The Year is 2021- A Mini Check In

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



I just wanted to make this quick post to say: You made it! Do you know how amazing that is? What a whirlwind of a year 20-(whose name we shall not say) has been!

The simple fact that we are still here is enough to be thankful for. 

Many didn't.

As many downs last year have brought, I mean the full uprooting of many of our lives, it's enough to say you survived. Maybe not without bumps and scratches, but you still made it.  Look at these great pancakes I made a few weeks ago. It's a reminder that we are present, this is it. The time is now. Let the pancakes be a push. (Carbs do give energy!)

It's only been a few weeks into 2021 and already the clarifications have begun. It's the time to prioritize. 

Prioritize what's important to us.
Prioritize your health.
Prioritize your family/ friends. 
Prioritize your SELF.
Prioritize you goals.
Prioritize your creativity. 

Although our current circumstances may continue to be at a standstill, let's try to make the best of our situation. 

Easier said than done, but I believe in you. Effort is effort, small or big. 


You are GOLD! Here's to another year of possibilities. The world maybe falling apart but no one's got you like you got you. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. 

xox Nabia


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