Hi, My name is...Quarter Life Crisis

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Please let me reintroduce myself, my name is insecurity, anxiety, and forgotten subscriptions. 

A quarter life crisis...Yes that's right.

We're not retired middle aged people that's living in Boca Raton, Florida.

No, we're not part of the baby boomer generation(this skit from SNL is gold)

We're 20 something year olds, holding down jobs, working our butts off at school, and probably still working.

We're 20 something year olds that still haven't figured out what to do.

I've always been interested in non-traditional ways to make a living. The generation before us was fed to get a 9-5 and retire early. Now, social media has created a platform that opens us up to the world of being an influencer.

Influencer-a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. 

Many have succeeded in this field, even at ages as young as 4.
Everyday we are being bombarded with different images and ways of life that as much as we wouldn't like to think it, is extremely influencing to our subconscious. Many ways social media is used as an outlet of praise and recognition. People only post their glorious moments and we double tap away sometimes not even paying attention.

Little room is made for vulnerability.

What does social media have to do with this quarter life crisis you ask?

Well, it's a crisis, "involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one's life" according to Collins Dictionary. The constant comparisons of our own lives with another's.

Seeing kids get overnight success for saying a punch line, or Youtubers getting "flewed" out to different countries for doing something that they love.

Something non-traditional.

Something most parents would question if told.

Now for the ones that are working the 9-5, that are working a traditional job. This is not a bashing to rub in your face how boring your life must be. This is a nudge.
Don't feel bad.
The end.
I'm just kidding with that. Seriously take social media for what it is.
Its an awesome platform to see different people and cultures and contact your friends. Remember there's a lot that goes into a single picture. Harry's on his 5th trip this year to Bora Bora, but we don't see the thousands of dollars of debt he's in, or the fact he lost their luggage etc.
We don't want to be pessimistic, just realistic.

Enjoy social media but don't let it control you. With that being said may we all endure our quarter life crisis together, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

xoxo Nabia
Here's a video by Lavendaire that have helped me a lot with figuring out what to do:

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