I am confusion...TIME EXPLAIN!
As we all gather our thoughts and memories of the past decade I think us as a whole are in a adaptive state. On social media we are collectively coming together to share our favorite moments, memes and distresses. We are all collectively glowing up in a way, reflecting on our decisions, our ages, our health. I am here for it. It's like the wonders of taking the NYC subway, no matter what our status is in society we are dealing with the same elements of our surroundings. We are all experiencing delays and we are all dealing with successes.
Here are some things I've learned and appreciated this decade:
1.Seeing the increase of social media influencers and how famous they can become worries me for the youth today but I would be lying if I didn't think they were somewhat entertaining.
2.After high school I have to consciously think about what I'm eating or it sticks to the wrong areas.
3. Solange's A Seat at the Table and then 2019's When I Get Home have both defined me, and helped me to feel seen and understood.
4. Losing friends is the worst, and you experience the same process of grief as if you've lost a loved one in death. I had to learn how to be myself again if that makes sense.
5. I've realized that my life goes in stages of what boyband I'm into/stanning and out of all of them One Direction still has my heart and them breaking up was the mark of my adulthood and how not fun it is.
6. Learning new food allergies are not fun when you've been eating said food all of your life. i.e peaches, eggplant, and hazelnuts。

8. My brother is the sweetest thing on this planet?? The older we've gotten the more fun it is around him even when he doesn't want to deal with me.
9. Learning the elements of your childhood and how they shape the kind of adult you are today is so freeing and allows me to learn how to reparent myself and not let how I was raised or the events that occurred when I was younger define who I am today.
10. My 4C hair is actually not unruly or nappy as I was conditioned to think but just a high-maintenance chick who needs TLC(tender, love and care) and high quality products that are filled with love.
11. Instagram hiatuses are important for our wellbeing and even if you don't think you need one, truly think about why you are making the decisions you are making or why you really need to take a pic of the same matcha latte you always get, not to reflect on it 10 years from now.
12. Friends that hit you up just to check up on you are so so important??
14. Some argue that the quote "Time Heals all wounds" is not always plausible for situations, but I beg to differ. I feel like no matter what its constantly moving and we make it for what it is. We may feel stuck in situations we never thought we'll get through but we did.
15. Unfortunately I also know and as many of us do know, that some mental illness causes us not to be able to see that light. With that it makes me sad knowing those that are suffering may make a permanent decision for a problem that is actually temporary but masked to be glued to us. What are some ways you've gotten past some low moments this decade? I am glad you are still here.
16. Not every trend needs to be copied or done, some should be left alone.
17. Everyone is "weird :p" now and I appreciate it but sometimes I want to whisper "posers".
What some of your favorite "aha" moments?
xo Nabia
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